Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Dublin Competition!

Should be great fun! Fingers crossed we will get enough wind this year. See you next weekend on Dolly :)

Monday, May 26, 2008

Did It Anyway!!!

So I wasn't allowed to go out last weekend...
On Friday afternoon got a phone call from Derek - "it's honking on Dolly!!!" and there was no wind forecasted at all. Packed the camera and Mr. Charls and went along with Gavin to take few photos and walk the dog :) It was really strong. Amanda on 6m! Gavin and Derek on 9m, all small kites around and due to bad forecast not too many people around. It was killing me to watch them having fun! :)

Saturday stayed in bed and took it easy, showed our faces in Skerries around 3pm, but the tide was all way in and wind didn't feel strong enough. Girly chitty-chat on the beach, while men were making a "serious" decision where to move next... Went to Bettystown. Pleasant surprise! Wind was really good there - clean and strong, tide all the way in, so big chop and deep water. I just couldn't resist, I think I would be cranky as a hell if I didn't go out!!! Had absolutely great session! I think regardless of conditions, first session after any break / time of the water is the best thing ever! I really enjoyed it and just couldn't stop... Got home for 10pm :)

Trees were moving all the way to Dublin on Sunday - good sign! Arrived to Sutton around 12.30 and met only Nika and Eamon on the beach. It was blowing really hard, high twenties with gust over 30 knots. It was great to see smiling Nika with her powerful 6m checking out the conditions. If she can go, so can I - no arguing Gavin please! And that comment about close-by hospitals wasn't uplifting either :))) Had to take it easy as ankle was a little sore after the day before and my body pretty tired from the long session. Was jumping high-ish but almost always with crash landings :( At this stage I have MASTERED bodydragging to my board, getting it back on 1 tack :) As day progressed and wind slightly dropped off there was more kiters and friends arriving.

All together had a truly great weekend - it's great to be back on the water! Totally loving my 7m Rebel 08!!!

Went to physiotherapist today and he wasn't surprised at all to hear I went out kitesurfing :) Ankle is good now, still have to do my exercises and take care of it but back to normal! yeeepeee

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Injured :(

Spend last weekend around Dublin, session on Dolly and a great bbq party in Dee & Marty's...
Brilliant weather last Saturday - sunny, warm and... windy! Got to play with my 07 Vegas 12m for over 4 hours :) Tried backrolls to my bad side and got about half of them landed but only because I was getting a nice lift from bigger waves (ferries coming in!) Still can't pop - not at all :((( And too afraid to work the kite - don't want to be kitelooping ....hahahaha
All was good but injured my ankle :( I look like a small elephant now...
Thanks to Cathy for recommending Gerry in the Sports Injuries Clinic in Dunshaughlin. If I'm very lucky I may be back on the water this weekend, will know more after tomorrow's visit!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Rossnowlagh Competition Postponed!

Due to unfavourable weather forecast the second leg of IKSA Competition in Rossnowlagh has been postponed.

Most "normal" people enjoy sunshine and relatively high temperatures, as the summer weather has recently settled in Ireland. We have rather sad faces, what's good about these lovely sunny days if there is absolutely no wind?!?!?


Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Another Windless Girls Kite Weekend

Wind had disappointed nearly 20 ladies that travelled to Rosses Point in Sligo for Girls Kite Weekend.

Our very intense kitesurfing training plan turned into...

* sleeping

* bitching about lack of wind, our men and other men pulling tricks way too close to us!

* visiting swimming pool, jacuzzi, sauna and steam room (without worrying we are missing a windy day)

* chatting about kitesurfing and sharing our horror stories...

* admiring each other equipment...

* eating, drinking and drinking more :)

* shopping spree in newest surf shop in Bundoran.

* fashion show organised by Lena with a special guest Jennifer :)

* checking out local spots

* boat trip

* hike on Sligo's Mount Everest ;-)

Thanks to Peter from for help in organising the event!